Highlights of the Collection

The Shakespeare Second Folio (London, 1632)

First edition of Homer's Odyssey (Florence 1488)

Manuscript of Aristotle's Metaphysics (c. 1300)

First edition of Milton's Paradise Regained (London, 1671)

James Joyce's Ulysses (Paris, 1927)

Manuscript signed by the Duke of York (October 16, 1398)

Archduke Franz Ferdinand's copy of the Gesta Romanorum (Strasbourg, 1488)

First edition of Shakespeare's Poems (London, 1640)

First issue of Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities (London, 1859)

First edition of Swift's Gulliver's Travels (London, 1726)

First illustrated edition of Plautus' Comedies (Parma, 1510)

King Louis XIII's copy of Seneca (1632)

Signed first edition of Sterne's Tristram Shandy (1760)

Oil painting said to be of William Shakespeare (c. 1610)