Books Printed and Published by Women 1536-1700

Elizabeth Flesher, 1671-76

Blanch Pawlet, 1684

Joyce Norton, 1633

Hannah Sawbridge, 1683

Elizabeth Purslowe, 1633

Ruth Raworth & Susan Islip, 1647
Elizabeth Allde
Dekker, Thomas. The Second Part of the Honest Whore. London: Elizabeth Allde for Nathaniel Butter, 1630 (STC 6506)
Taylor, John. Works. London: John Beale, Elizabeth Allde, Bernard Alsop, and Thomas Fawcet for James Boler, 1630 (STC 23725)
Anne Cooke Bacon
Jewel, John. Works. Translated by Anne Cooke Bacon. London: John Norton, 1609 (STC 14579)
Jane Bell
Marlowe, Christopher [attributed to]. Lust’s Dominion. London: Jane Bell for Francis Kirkman and Robert Pollard, 1657 (Wing L3540A)
Anne Boler
Baker, Richard. Mediations and Disquisitions upon the Lord’s Prayer. London: Anne Griffin for Anne Goler, 1636 (STC 1223)
Yolande Bonhomme
Justinian. Digestum novum. Paris: Yolande Bonhomme, 1536 (USTC 185682)
Joanna Brome
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Seneca’s Morals by Abstract. Translated by Roger L’Estrange. London: Thomas Newcomb for Joanna Brome, 1682 (Wing S2515A)
Hannah Clark
Maurice, Henry. A Defence of Diocesan Episcopacy. London: Hannah Clark, 1691 (Wing M1360)
Mary Clark
Cowley, Abraham. The Works of Mr. Abraham Crowley. London: John Macock and Mary Clark for Henry Herringman, 1684 (Wing C6657 & C6664A)
Herbert, Edward. The Life and Reign of King Henry the Eighth. London: Mary Clark for Anne Mearne, 1683 (Wing H1507)
Eleanor Cotes
Ainsworth, Samuel. The Good Prophets Sad and Sudden Losses … A Sermon. London: E. C. for William Thompson, 1658 (Not in Wing)
Girard, Guillaume. The History of the Life of the Duke of Espernon. Translated by Charles Cotton. London: E. Cotes and A. Clark for Henry Brome, 1670 (Wing G778)
Glanvill, Joseph. Scepsis Scientifica. London: Eleanor Cotes for Henry Eversden, 1665 (Wing G827)
Elizabeth Flesher
Herbert, George. Poemata Varii Argumenti, Partim E Georgio Herberto Latin utcunque reddita. London: Elizabeth Flesher, 1678 (Wing D1484)
Poole, Matthew. Synopsis criticorum aliorumque S. Scripturae Interpretum. 5 volumes. London: Elizabeth Flesher, 1671-76 (Wing P2853)
Anne Griffin
Baker, Richard. Mediations and Disquisitions upon the Lord’s Prayer. London: Anne Griffin for Anne Boler, 1636 (STC 1223)
Sarah Griffin
Bacon, Francis. Resuscitatio. London: Sarah Griffin for William Lee, 1657 (Wing B319)
Bacon, Francis. Resuscitatio. London: Sarah Griffin for William Lee, 1661 (Wing B320)
Mary Hearne
Beard, Thomas. The Theatre of God’s Judgments. London: Printed by Susan Islip and Mary Hearne for Thomas Whitaker, 1648 (Wing B1565)
Elizabeth Holt
Bacon, Francis. Essays. London: Elizabeth Holt for Henry Herringman, 1701 (ESTC 006359638)
Susan Islip
Beard, Thomas. The Theatre of God’s Judgments. London: Printed by Susan Islip and Mary Hearne for Thomas Whitaker, 1648 (Wing B1565)
Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher. Comedies and Tragedies. The First Folio. London: Printed by Susan Islip, Ruth Raworth, et al., for Humphrey Mosley, 1647 (Wing B1581)
Mary Magnes
Banks, John and John Dryden. The Unhappy Favorite or The Earl of Essex, A Tragedy. London: Richard Bentley and Mary Magnes, 1685 (Wing B664)
Anne Maxwell
Cradock, Samuel. The Apostolical History. London: Anne Maxwell for Edward Brewster, 1672 (Wing C6744)
Tillotson, John, and Edward Stillingfleet. The Rule of Faith. London: Printed by Anne Maxwell for Samuel Gellibrand, 1666 (Wing T1217)
Anne Mearne
Certain Sermons or Homilies. London: Anne Mearne and Blanch Pawlet, 1683 (Wing C4091G)
Herbert, Edward. The Life and Reign of King Henry the Eighth. London: Printed by Mary Clark for Anne Mearne, 1683 (Wing H1507)
Joyce Norton
Gerard, John. The Herbal or General History of Plants. London: Adam Islip, Joyce Norton, and Richard Whitaker, 1633 (STC 11751)
Blanch Pawlet
Certain Sermons or Homilies. London: Anne Mearne and Blanch Pawlet, 1683 (Wing C4091G)
Sparrow, Anthony. A Collection of Articles. London: Blanch Pawlet, 1684 (Wing S4834)
Elizabeth Purslowe
Donne, John. Juvenilia or Certain Paradoxes. London: Elizabeth Purslowe for Henry Seyle, 1633 (STC 7044)
Greville, Fulke. Certain Learned and Elegant Works. London: Elizabeth Purslowe for Henry Seyle, 1633 (STC 12361)
Preston, John. Life Eternal. London: Elizabeth Purslowe for Nicholas Bourne, 1634 (STC 20234)
La Serre, M. de (Jean-Puget), The Mirrour which Flatters Not. London: Elizabeth Purslowe for Richard Thrale, 1639 (STC 20490)
Stow, John. Survey of London. London: Elizabeth Purslowe for Nicholas Bourne, 1633 (STC 23345)
María de Quiñones
Nieremberg, Juan Eusebio. Vida del Santo Padre … B. Francisco de Borja. Madrid: María de Quiñones, 1644 (USTC 5007958)
Ruth Raworth
Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher. Comedies and Tragedies. London: Susan Islip, Ruth Raworth, et al., for Humphrey Mosley, 1647 (Wing B1581)
Davila, A. C. History of the Civil Wars of France. London: Ruth Raworth, 1647 (Wing D413)
Milton, John. Poems of Mr John Milton. London: Ruth Raworth for Humphrey Mosley, 1645 (Wing M2160)
Suckling, John. Fragmenta Aurea. London: Ruth Raworth, 1646 (Wing S6126A)
Hannah Sawbridge
Barker, Richard. Chronicle of the Kings of England. London: Hannah Sawbridge, 1684 (Wing B505)
Culpeper, Nicholas. The English Physitian Enlarged … English Herbs. London: Hannah Sawbridge, 1683 (Wing C7512A)
Lawson, William. A New Orchard & Garden. London: Hannah Sawbridge, 1683 (Wing L737)
Markham, Gervase. The Enrichment of the Weald of Kent. London: Hannah Sawbridge, 1683 (Not in Wing or ESTC)
Newman, Samuel. Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. Cambridge: John Hayes for Hannah Sawbridge, 1682 (Wing N927)
Anne Seile
Heylyn, Peter. Cosmography. London: Anne Seile and Philip Chetwind, 1674 (Wing H1694)
Eleanor Smith
Powell, Vavasor. A Useful Concordance to the Holy Bible. London: Eleanor Smith, Executrix of Francis Smith, late bookseller [c.1690] (Not listed in ESTC or Wing)
Tace Sowle
Lombe, Henry. An Exhortation. London: Printed by T. Sowle, 1694 (Wing L2845)
Widow of Claude Thiboust
Erasmus, Desiderius. Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami Colloquia familiaria repurgata. Parisiis: Apud Viduam Claudii Thiboust [Widow of Claude Thiboust], 1685 (Not in ESTC)
Jane Underhill
Baxter, Richard. The Saints Everlasting Rest. London: Francis Tynton and Jane Underhill, 1662 (Wing B1391)
Alice Warren
Spelman, Henry. Glossarium Archaiologicum. London: Alice Warren, 1664 (Wing S4925)