Alexander, William. Recreations with the Muses. London: Thomas Harper, 1637 (STC 347)
Ariosto, Ludovico. Orlando Furioso. Translated by John Harrington. London: George Miller for John Parker, 1634 (STC 748)
Bacon, Francis. A Declaration. London: Robert Barker, 1601 (STC 1133) [2 copies]
Bacon, Francis. Two Books. London: Nicholas Okes for William Washington, 1629 (STC 1165)
Bacon, Francis. History of the Reign of Henry VII. London: William Stansby for George Latham, 1637 (STC 1161.5)
Baker, Richard. Mediations and Disquisitions upon the Lord’s Prayer. London: Anne Griffin for Anne Boler, 1636 (STC 1223)
Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher. Cupid’s Revenge. London: Augustine Matthews, 1635 (STC 1669)
Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher. A King and No King. London: Augustine Matthews for Richard Hawkins, 1631 (STC 1672)
Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher. A King and No King. London: Edward Griffin for William Leake, 1639 (STC 1673)
Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher. The Knight of the Burning Pestle. London: Nicholas Okes for John Spencer, 1635 [or 1661] (STC 1675a)
Blenerhasset, Thomas. The Second Part of the Mirror for Magistrates. London: Thomas Dawson for Richard Webster, 1578 (STC 3131)
Burton, Robert. The Anatomy of Melancholy. London: Miles Flesher for Henry Cribbs, 1638 (STC 4163)
Boys, John. An Exposition of the Dominical Epistles and Gospels. London: William Aspley for Edward Griffin, 1615 (STC 3459.7)
Brooke, Ralph. A Catalogue and Succession of the Kings. London: William Jaggard, 1619 (STC 3832)
Calvin, John. The Institution of Christian Religion. Translated by John Norton. London: Thomas Vaultrollier for William Norton, 1578 (STC 4418)
Camden, William. Remaines. London: Nicholas Okes, 1623 (STC 4523)
Chapman, George. The Tragedy of Charles, Duke of Byron. London: Nicholas Okes for Thomas Thorp, 1625 (STC 4969)
Chapman, George, Ben Jonson, and John Marston. Eastward Ho. London: William Aspley, 1605 (STC 4973)
Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Workes. London: Nicholas Hill for Robert Toye, 1550 (STC 5074)
Cotgrave, Randall. Dictionary of the French and English Tongues. London: Adam Islip, 1611 (STC 5830)
Dekker, Thomas. The Second Part of the Honest Whore. London: Elizabeth Allde for Nathaniel Butter, 1630 (STC 6506)
Donne, John. Juvenilia or Certain Paradoxes. London: Elizabeth Purslowe for Henry Seyle, 1633 (STC 7044)
Drayton, Michael. Battle of Agincourt. London: Augustine Mathews for William Lee, 1631 (STC 7191) [2 copies]
Drayton, Michael. Poems. London: William Stansby for John Smethwick, 1630 (STC 7224)
Drayton, Michael. Poly-Olbion. London: Humphrey Lownes for Matthew Lownes, 1613 (STC 7227)
Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste. Divine Weeks and Works. London: Humphrey Lownes, 1605 (STC 21649)
Elyot, Thomas. The Book Named the Governor. London: Thomas Marsh, 1557 (STC 7640)
Erasmus, Desiderius. Apophthegmata. London: Richard Grafton, 1542 (STC 10443)
Fabyan, Robert. Chronicle. London: John Kingston, 1559 (STC 10663)
Fletcher, John. The Tragedy of Rollo, Duke of Normandy. Oxford: Leonard Lichfield, 1640 (STC 11065)
Fletcher, John. Rule a Wife and Have a Wife. Oxford: Leonard Lichfield, 1640 (STC 11073)
Florio, John. Queen Anna’s New World of Words. London: Edward Blount and William Barret, 1611 (STC11099)
Froissart, Jean. Chronicle. London: Thomas Marsh, 1563 (STC 11397A)
Gerard, John. The Herbal or General History of Plants. London: Adam Islip, Joyce Norton, and Richard Whitaker, 1633 (STC 11751)
Glover, Robert. Nobilitas politica vel civilis. London: William Jaggard, 1608 (STC 11922)
Greville, Fulke. Certain Learned and Elegant Works. London: Elizabeth Purslowe for Henry Seyle, 1633 (STC 12361)
Guicciardini, Francesco. The History of Guicciardin. Translated by Geoffrey Fenton. London: Richard Field, 1599 (STC 12459)
Halle, Edward. The Troublous Season of King Henry the Sixth. London Richard Grafton, 1550 (STC 12723)
Hayward, John. The Life and Reign of King Edward the Sixth. London: John Partridge, 1630 (STC 12998)
Herbert, George. The Temple. Cambridge: T. Buck and R. Daniels, 1635 (STC 13187)
Holinshed, Raphael. Chronicles. London: Henry Bynneman for John Harrison, 1577 (STC 13568)
Holinshed, Raphael. Chronicles. London: Henry Denham, 1587 (STC 13569)
Homer. The Iliad and The Odyssey. Translated by George Chapman. Iliad: London: Richard Field for Nathaniel Butter, 1611; Odyssey: London: Richard Field and William Jaggard for Nathaniel Butter, 1615 (STC 13634, 13637)
Holyday, Barten. Technogamia or The Marriages of the Arts. London: John Haviland for Richard Meighen, 1630 (STC 13618)
Jewel, John. Works. Translated by Anne Bacon. London: John Norton, 1609 (STC 14579)
Jonson, Ben. Works. London: William Stansby, 1616 (STC 14751)
Jonson, Ben. Works. London: Richard Bishop for Andrew Cooke, 1640 (STC 14753)
Jonson, Ben. Works. London: Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet, 1641 (STC 14753.5)
Jonson, Ben. Works. London: John Beale for Robert Allot, 1631 [1640] (STC 14754)
Jonson, Ben. Royal and Magnificent Entertainment. London: Valentine Simms and George Eld for Edward Blount, 1604 (STC 14756)
Jonson, Ben. Catiline His Conspiracy. London: Nicholas Okes for John Spencer, 1635 (STC 14760)
Juvenal and Persius. Junii Juvenalis et Auli Persii Flacci Satyrae. London: Richard Field, 1615 (STC 14890)
Knolles, Richard. General History of the Turks. London: Adam Islip, 1611 (STC15052)
Livy, Titus. The Roman History. Translated by Philemon Holland. London: Adam Islip, 1600 (STC 16613)
Markham, Gervase. Inrichment of the Weald of Kent. London: Nicholas Okes for John Harrison, 1631 (STC 17364)
Marston, John. The Insatiate Countess. London: John Norton for Hugh Perrie, 1631 (STC 17478)
Massinger, Philip. The Bond-Man. London: John Raworth for Edward Blackmore, 1638 (STC 17633a)
Montaigne, Michael de. Essays. Translated by John Florio. London: Michael Flesher for Richard Roydon, 1632 (STC 18043)
Overbury, Thomas. Overbury His Wife. London: Richard Badger for Robert Allot, 1632 (STC 18918)
Ovid. Metamorphosis. Translated by George Sandys. London: John Legat for Andrew Hebb, 1640 (STC 18968)
Persius. Auli Persii Flacci Satyra. London: William Aspley and Nathaniel Butter, 1614 (STC 19777)
Playfere, Thomas. A Sermon Preached Before the King’s Majesty at Drayton. Cambridge: Cantrell Legge for Samuel Macham, 1609 (STC 20026)
Plutarch. Lives of Noble Grecians and Romans. Translated by Thomas North. London: Richard Field for Thomas Wight, 1603 (STC 20068)
Preston, John. The Breast-Plate of Faith and Love. London: Robert Young for Nicholas Bourne, 1634 (STC 20212)
Preston, John. Life Eternal. London: Elizabeth Purslowe for Nicholas Bourne, 1634 (STC 20234)
La Serre, M. de (Jean-Puget), The Mirrour which Flatters Not. London: Elizabeth Purslowe for Richard Thrale, 1639 (STC 20490)
Raleigh, Walter. The Prerogative of Parliaments in England. London: Thomas Cotes, 1628 (STC 20649.3)
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Seneca, His Ten Tragedies. London: Thomas Marsh, 1581 (STC 2221)
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Works of Seneca. Translated by Thomas Lodge. London: William Stansby, 1620 (STC 22214)
Shakespeare, William. Comedies, Histories, Tragedies. The Second Folio. London: Thomas Cotes for John Smethwick, William Aspley, Richard Hawkins, Richard Meighen, and Robert Allot, 1632 (STC 22274C)
Shakespeare, William. Poems Written by Wil. Shakespeare. Gent. London: Thomas Cotes for John Benson, 1640 (STC 22344)
Shirley, James. The Maid’s Revenge. London: William Cooke, 1639 (STC 22450A)
Shirley, James. The Coronation. A Comedy. London: Thomas Cotes for Andrew Cooke and William Cooke, 1640 (STC 22440)
Shirley, James. The Traitor. A Tragedy. London: John Norton for William Cooke, 1635 (STC 22458)
Sidney, Philip. The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia. London: Simon Waterson and Robert Young, 1633 (STC 22549)
Sidney, Philip. The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia. London: John Waterson and Robert Young, 1638 (STC 22550)
Spenser, Edmund. The Faerie Queene. London: Humphrey Lownes for Mathew Lownes, 1609 (STC 23083)
Stow, John. Annales. London: Eliot’s Court Press and F. Kingston for Ralph Newberry, 1600 (STC 23335)
Stow, John and Edmond Howes, The Annales or General Chronicle of England. London: Thomas Dawson, 1615 (STC 23338)
Stow, John. Survey of London. London: Elizabeth Purslowe for Nicholas Bourne, 1633 (STC 23345)
Stuart, James I, King of England. Ano Regni Jacobi. London: Robert Barker, 1607 (STC 9505)
Tacitus, Cornelius. The Annales. Translated by Richard Greenwey and Henry Savile. London: John Bill, 1622 (STC 23647)
Taylor, John. Works. London: John Beale, Elizabeth Allde, Bernard Alsop, and Thomas Fawcet for James Boler, 1630 (STC 23725)
Terence. Terence in English. Translated by Richard Bernard. London; John Leggat, 1614 (STC 23892)
Topsell, Edward. The Historie of Foure-Footed Beastes. London: William Jaggard, 1607 (STC 24123)
Torquemada, Antonio de. The Spanish Mandevile of Miracles, of The Garden of Curious Flowers. London: James Roberts for Edmund Matts, 1600 (STC 24135)
Weever, John. Ancient Funeral Monuments. London: Thomas Harper, 1631 (STC 25223)
Ainsworth, Samuel. The Good Prophets Sad and Sudden Losses … A Sermon. London: E. C. for William Thompson, 1658 (Not in Wing)
Bacon, Francis, Resuscitatio. London: Sarah Griffin for William Lee, 1657 (Wing B319)
Bacon, Francis, Resuscitatio. London: Sarah Griffin for William Lee, 1661 (Wing B320)
Banks, John and John Dryden. The Unhappy Favorite or The Earl of Essex A Tragedy. London: Richard Bentley and Mary Magnes, 1685 (Wing B664)
Barker, Richard. Chronicle of the Kings of England. London: Hannah Sawbridge, 1684 (Wing B505)
Baxter, Richard. The Saints Everlasting Rest. London: Francis Tynton and Jane Underhill, 1662 (Wing B1391)
Beard, Thomas. The Theatre of God’s Judgments. London: Printed by Susan Islip and Mary Hearne for Thomas Whitaker, 1648 (Wing B1565)
Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher. Comedies and Tragedies. The First Folio. London: Printed by Susan Islip, Ruth Raworth, et al., for Humphrey Mosley, 1647 (Wing B1581) [2 copies]
Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher. The Maid’s Tragedy. London: William Leake, 1650 (Wing B1595)
Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher. The Scornful Lady. London: Humphrey Mosley, 1651 (Wing B1609)
Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher. Fifty Comedies and Tragedies. London: John Matock for John Martyn, Henry Herringman, Richard Marriot, 1679 (Wing B1582)
Bolton, Robert. A Cordial for a Fainting Christian. London: T. Paine for Mathew Walbanck, 1644 (Wing B3513)
Braithwait, Richard. The English Gentleman and English Gentlewoman. London: John Dawson, 1641 (Wing B4262)
Brome, Richard. The Damoiselle. London: Thomas Roycroft for Humphrey Mosley, 1653 (Wing B4868)
Brome, Richard. The Queen’s Exchange. London: Henry Brome, 1657 (Wing B4882)
Burnet, Gilbert and Edward Stillingfleet. A Relation of a Conference Held About Religion. London: Moses Pitt, 1676 (Wing B5861)
Buxtorf, Johannes. Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum. London: Jacob Junii and Moses Bell for Richard Whitaker and Samuel Cartwright, 1646 (Wing B6348)
Certain Sermons or Homilies. London: Anne Mearne and Blanch Pawlet, 1683 (Wing C4091G)
Collier, Jeremy. A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage. London: S. Kebel and R. Sare, 1699 (Wing C5266)
Congreve, William. The Way of the World. London: Jacob Tonson, 1700 (Wing C5878)
Cowley, Abraham. The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley. London: John Macock and Mary Clark for Henry Herringman, 1684 (Wing C6657 & C6664A)
Cowley, Abraham. The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley. London: Henry Herringman for Jacob Tonson, 1700 (Wing C6660)
Cradock, Samuel. The Apostolical History. London: Anne Maxwell for Edward Brewster, 1672 (Wing C6744)
Culpeper, Nicholas. The English Physitian Enlarged … English Herbs. London: Hannah Sawbridge, 1683 (Wing C7512A)
Davenant, William. Works. London: Thomas Newcomb for Henry Herringman, 1673 (Wing D320)
Davila, A. C. History of the Civil Wars of France. London: Ruth Raworth, 1647 (Wing D413)
Denham, John. Poems and translations, with The Sophy. London: John Mackocke for Henry Herringman, 1684 (Wing D1007)
Dryden, John. Troilus and Cressida. London: Abel Sawll and Jacob Tonson, 1679 (Wing D2389)
Dryden, John. The Spanish Friar. London: Richard and Jacob Tonson, 1686 (Wing D2369)
Fletcher, John. The Tragedy of Thierry King of France, and his brother Theodoret. London: Humphrey Moseley, 1649 (Wing F1353)
Fuller, Thomas. The History of the Worthies of England. London: John Grismond, William Leybourne, and William Godbid, 1662 (Wing F2440)
Girard, Guillaume. The History of the Life of the Duke of Espernon. Translated by Charles Cotton. London: E. Cotes and A. A Clark for Henry Brome, 1670 (Wing G778)
Glanvill, Joseph. Scepsis Scientifica. London: Eleanor Cotes for Henry Eversden, 1665 (Wing G827)
Herbert, Edward. The Life and Reign of King Henry the Eighth. London: Printed by Mary Clark for Ann Mearn, 1683 (Wing H1507)
Herbert, George. Poemata Varii Argumenti, Partim E Georgio Herberto Latin utcunque reddita. London: Elizabeth Flesher, 1678 (Wing D1484)
Herbert, George. A Priest to the Temple. London: Thomas Roycroft for Benjamin Tooke, 1675 (Wing H1514)
Heylyn, Peter. Cosmography. London: Anne Seile and Philip Chetwind, 1674 (Wing H1694)
Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan. London: John Redmayne and Christoffel Cundradus for Andrew Cooke, 1651 [1678?] (Wing H2247)
Jonson, Ben. The Works of Ben Jonson. London: Thomas Hodgkin for Henry Herringman, et al, 1692 (Wing J1006) [3 copies]
Killigrew, Thomas. Comedies and Tragedies. London: John Macock for Henry Herringman, 1664 (Wing K450)
Lawson, William. A New Orchard & Garden. London: Printed for Hannah Sawbridge, 1683 (L737)
Locke, John. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. London: Awnsham and John Churchill, 1694 (Wing L2740)
Lombe, Henry. An Exhortation. London: Printed by T. Sowle, 1694 (Wing L2845)
Markham, Gervase. The Enrichment of the Weald of Kent. London: Hannah Sawbridge, 1683 (Wing M682)
Marlowe, Christopher. Lust’s Dominion. London: Jane Bell for Francis Kirkman and Robert Pollard, 1657 (Wing L3540A)
Massinger, Philip. The Guardian. London: Thomas Newcombe for Humphrey Moseley, 1655 (Wing M1050)
Milton, John. Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes. London: John Macock for John Starkey, 1671 (Wing M2152)
Milton, John. Paradise Lost. London: S. Simmons, 1678 (Wing M2145)
Milton, John. Poems of Mr John Milton. London: Ruth Raworth for Humphrey Mosley, 1645 (Wing M2160)
Milton, John. Angli Pro popvlo Anglicano defensio. Gouda: G. de Hoeve, 1652 (Wing M2169)
Maurice, Henry. A Defence of Diocesan Episcopacy. London: Hannah Clark, 1691 (Wing M1360)
Newman, Samuel. Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. Cambridge: John Hayes for Hannah Sawbridge, 1682 (Wing N927)
Poole, Matthew. Synopsis criticorum aliorumque S. Scripturae Interpretum. 5 volumes. London: Elizabeth Flesher, 1671-76 (Wing P2853)
Powell, Vavasor. A Useful Concordance to the Holy Bible. London: Eleanor Smith, Executrix of Francis Smith, late bookseller [c.1690] (Not listed in ESTC or Wing?)
Raleigh, Walter. The History of the World. London: Samuel Cartwright, 1652 (Wing R163)
Reynolds, Edward. Self-Denial. London: Robert Bostock, 1646 (Wing R1278)
Rymer, Thomas. A Short View of Tragedy. London: Richard Baldwin, 1693 (Wing R2429)
Rymer, Thomas. Tragedies of the Last Age. London: Richard Tonson, 1678 (Wing R2430)
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Seneca’s Morals by Abstract. Translated by Roger L’Estrange. London: Thomas Newcomb for Joanna Brome, 1682 (Wing S2515A)
Shadwell, Thomas. Bury-Fair. London: James Knapton, 1689 (Wing S2836)
Shadwell, Thomas. The History of Timon of Athens, The Man-Hater. London: John Macock for Henry Herringman, 1678 (Wing S2846)
Shadwell, Thomas. The Royal Shepherdess. London for Henry Herringman, 1669 (Wing S2868)
Shirley, James. The Doubtful Heir. London: Humphrey Robinson and Humphrey Moseley, 1652 (Wing S3466)
Sidney, Philip. The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia. London: George Calvert, 1674 (Wing S3770)
Sparrow, Anthony. A Collection of Articles. London: Blanch Pawlet, 1684 (Wing S4834)
Spelman, Henry. Glossarium Archaiologicum. London: Alice Warren, 1664 (Wing S4925)
Stuart, Charles. His Majesty’s Declaration to All His Loving Subjects. London: Robert Barker, 1642 (Wing C2237B)
Suckling, John. Fragmenta Aurea. London: Ruth Raworth, 1646 (Wing S6126A)
Suckling, John. Fragmenta Aurea. London: Thomas Newcombe for Humphrey Moseley, 1658 (Wing S6128)
Theocritus. The Idylliums of Theorcritus with Rapin’s discourse of pastorals done into English. Oxford: Anthony Stephens, 1684 (Wing T854)
Tillotson, John, and Edward Stillingfleet. The Rule of Faith. London: Printed by Anne Maxwell for Samuel Gellibrand, 1666 (Wing T1217)
Winstanley, William. England’s Worthies. London: James Cottrell and Freeman Collins for Obadiah Blagrave, 1684 (Wing W3059)
Elizabeth Allde
Dekker, Thomas. The Second Part of the Honest Whore. London: Elizabeth Allde for Nathaniel Butter, 1630 (STC 6506)
Taylor, John. Works. London: John Beale, Elizabeth Allde, Bernard Alsop, and Thomas Fawcet for James Boler, 1630 (STC 23725)
Anne Cooke Bacon
Jewel, John. Works. Translated by Anne Cooke Bacon. London: John Norton, 1609 (STC 14579)
Jane Bell
Marlowe, Christopher [attributed to]. Lust’s Dominion. London: Jane Bell for Francis Kirkman and Robert Pollard, 1657 (Wing L3540A)
Anne Boler
Baker, Richard. Mediations and Disquisitions upon the Lord’s Prayer. London: Anne Griffin for Anne Goler, 1636 (STC 1223)
Yolande Bonhomme
Justinian. Digestum novum. Paris: Yolande Bonhomme, 1536 (USTC 185682)
Joanna Brome
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Seneca’s Morals by Abstract. Translated by Roger L’Estrange. London: Thomas Newcomb for Joanna Brome, 1682 (Wing S2515A)
Hannah Clark
Maurice, Henry. A Defence of Diocesan Episcopacy. London: Hannah Clark, 1691 (Wing M1360)
Mary Clark
Cowley, Abraham. The Works of Mr. Abraham Crowley. London: John Macock and Mary Clark for Henry Herringman, 1684 (Wing C6657 & C6664A)
Herbert, Edward. The Life and Reign of King Henry the Eighth. London: Mary Clark for Anne Mearne, 1683 (Wing H1507)
Ellen Cotes
Ainsworth, Samuel. The Good Prophet’s Sad and Sudden Losses … A Sermon. London: E. C. for William Thompson, 1658 (Not in Wing)
Girard, Guillaume. The History of the Life of the Duke of Espernon. Translated by Charles Cotton. London: E. Cotes and A. Clark for Henry Brome, 1670 (Wing G778)
Glanvill, Joseph. Scepsis Scientifica. London: Eleanor Cotes for Henry Eversden, 1665 (Wing G827)
Elizabeth Flesher
Herbert, George. Poemata Varii Argumenti, Partim E Georgio Herberto Latin utcunque reddita. London: Elizabeth Flesher, 1678 (Wing D1484)
Poole, Matthew. Synopsis criticorum aliorumque S. Scripturae Interpretum. 5 volumes. London: Elizabeth Flesher, 1671-76 (Wing P2853)
Anne Griffin
Baker, Richard. Mediations and Disquisitions upon the Lord’s Prayer. London: Anne Griffin for Anne Boler, 1636 (STC 1223)
Sarah Griffin
Bacon, Francis. Resuscitatio. London: Sarah Griffin for William Lee, 1657 (Wing B319)
Bacon, Francis. Resuscitatio. London: Sarah Griffin for William Lee, 1661 (Wing B320)
Mary Hearne
Beard, Thomas. The Theatre of God’s Judgments. London: Printed by Susan Islip and Mary Hearne for Thomas Whitaker, 1648 (Wing B1565)
Elizabeth Holt
Bacon, Francis. Essays. London: Elizabeth Holt for Henry Herringman, 1701 (ESTC 006359638)
Susan Islip
Beard, Thomas. The Theatre of God’s Judgments. London: Printed by Susan Islip and Mary Hearne for Thomas Whitaker, 1648 (Wing B1565)
Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher. Comedies and Tragedies. The First Folio. London: Printed by Susan Islip, Ruth Raworth, et al., for Humphrey Mosley, 1647 (Wing B1581)
Mary Magnes
Banks, John and John Dryden. The Unhappy Favorite or The Earl of Essex A Tragedy. London: Richard Bentley and Mary Magnes, 1685 (Wing B664)
Anne Maxwell
Cradock, Samuel. The Apostolical History. London: Anne Maxwell for Edward Brewster, 1672 (Wing C6744)
Tillotson, John, and Edward Stillingfleet. The Rule of Faith. London: Printed by Anne Maxwell for Samuel Gellibrand, 1666 (Wing T1217)
Anne Mearne
Certain Sermons or Homilies. London: Anne Mearne and Blanch Pawlet, 1683 (Wing C4091G)
Herbert, Edward. The Life and Reign of King Henry the Eighth. London: Printed by Mary Clark for Anne Mearne, 1683 (Wing H1507)
Joyce Norton
Gerard, John. The Herbal or General History of Plants. London: Adam Islip, Joyce Norton, and Richard Whitaker, 1633 (STC 11751)
Blanch Pawlet
Certain Sermons or Homilies. London: Anne Mearne and Blanch Pawlet, 1683 (Wing C4091G)
Sparrow, Anthony. A Collection of Articles. London: Blanch Pawlet, 1684 (Wing S4834)
Elizabeth Purslowe
Donne, John. Juvenilia or Certain Paradoxes. London: Elizabeth Purslowe for Henry Seyle, 1633 (STC 7044)
Greville, Fulke. Certain Learned and Elegant Works. London: Elizabeth Purslowe for Henry Seyle, 1633 (STC 12361)
Preston, John. Life Eternal. London: Elizabeth Purslowe for Nicholas Bourne, 1634 (STC 20234)
La Serre, M. de (Jean-Puget). The Mirrour which Flatters Not. London: Elizabeth Purslowe for Richard Thrale, 1639 (STC 20490)
Stow, John. Survey of London. London: Elizabeth Purslowe for Nicholas Bourne, 1633 (STC 23345)
María de Quiñones
Nieremberg, Juan Eusebio. Vida del Santo Padre … B. Francisco de Borja. Madrid: María de Quiñones, 1644 (USTC 5007958)
Ruth Raworth
Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher. Comedies and Tragedies. The First Folio. London: Susan Islip, Ruth Raworth, et al., for Humphrey Mosley, 1647 (Wing B1581)
Davila, A. C. History of the Civil Wars of France. London: Ruth Raworth, 1647 (Wing D413)
Milton, John. Poems of Mr John Milton. London: Ruth Raworth for Humphrey Mosley, 1645 (Wing M2160)
Suckling, John. Fragmenta Aurea. London: Ruth Raworth, 1646 (Wing S6126A)
Hannah Sawbridge
Barker, Richard. Chronicle of the Kings of England. London: Hannah Sawbridge, 1684 (Wing B505)
Lawson, William. A New Orchard & Garden. London: Hannah Sawbridge, 1683 (Wing L737)
Markham, Gervase. The Enrichment of the Weald of Kent. London: Hannah Sawbridge, 1683 (Not in Wing M682)
Newman, Samuel. Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. Cambridge: John Hayes for Hannah Sawbridge, 1682 (Wing N927)
Anne Seile
Heylyn, Peter. Cosmography. London: Anne Seile and Philip Chetwind, 1674 (Wing H1694)
Eleanor Smith
Powell, Vavasor. A Useful Concordance to the Holy Bible. London: Eleanor Smith, Executrix of Francis Smith, late bookseller [c.1690] (Not listed in ESTC or Wing)
Tace Sowle
Lombe, Henry. An Exhortation. London: Printed by T. Sowle, 1694 (Wing L2845)
Widow of Claude Thiboust
Erasmus, Desiderius. Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami Colloquia familiaria repurgata. Parisiis: Apud Viduam Claudii Thiboust [Widow of Claude Thiboust], 1685 (Not in ESTC)
Jane Underhill
Baxter, Richard. The Saints Everlasting Rest. London: Francis Tynton and Jane Underhill, 1662 (Wing B1391)
Alice Warren
Spelman, Henry. Glossarium Archaiologicum. London: Alice Warren, 1664 (Wing S4925)
Aristotle. Metaphysics. Manuscript on vellum in Latin of Book VIII, circa 1300.
Cicero. De Oratore. Venice: Andreas Torresanus and Bartholomaeus de Blavis, 5 March 1485 (ISTC ic00662000)
Cicero. Familiares epistolae. Venice: Giorgio Rusconi, 1514 (USTC 822083)
Homer. Opera. Florence: Bernardus Nerlius and Demetrius Damilas, 9 December 1488 (ISTC ih00300000
Homer. The Iliad. Translated by George Chapman. London: Richard Field for Nathaniel Butter, 1611 (STC 13634)
Homer The Odyssey. Translated by George Chapman. London: Richard Field and William Jaggard for Nathaniel Butter, 1615 (STC 13637)
Juvenal and Persius. Junii Juvenalis et Auli Persii Flacci Satyrae. London: Richard Field, 1615 (STC 14890)
Livy, Titus. The Roman History. Translated by Philemon Holland. London: Adam Islip, 1600 (STC 16613)
Ovid. Metamorphosis. Translated by George Sandys. London: John Legat for Andrew Hebb, 1640 (STC 18968)
Persius. Auli Persii Flacci Satyra. London: William Aspley and Nathaniel Butter, 1614 (STC 19777)
Plautus. Comoediae. Parma: Francesco Ugoleto and Ottaviano Saladi, 1510 (USTC 849856)
Pliny. Historiae Mundi Libri. Lyon: Antoine Vincent and Michel Dubois, 1553 (USTC 151301)
Plutarch. Les vivies des hommes illustres grecs et romains. Translated by Jacques Amyot. Lyon: Etienne Michel, 1578 (USTC 65703)
Plutarch. Lives of Noble Grecians and Romans. Translated by Thomas North. London: Richard Field for Thomas Wight, 1603 (STC 20068)
Seneca. Tragoediae. Florence, Giunta, 1513 (USTC 855884)
Seneca. Tragoediae. Edited by Desiderius Erasmus. Paris, Bade, 1514 (USTC 144361)
Seneca. Seneca, His Ten Tragedies. Translated by Thomas Newton, et al. London: Thomas Marsh, 1581 (STC 2221)
Seneca. Works of Seneca. Translated by Thomas Lodge. London: William Stansby, 1620 (STC 22214)
Seneca. Opera quæ exstant omnia. Antwerp: Balthasar Moretus, 1632 (USTC 1003315)
Seneca. Seneca’s Morals by Abstract. Translated by Roger L’Estrange. London: Thomas Newcomb for Joanna Brome, 1682 (Wing S2515A)
Tacitus. The Annales. Translated by Richard Greenwey and Henry Savile. London: John Bill, 1622 (STC 23647)
Terence. Terentius cum quinque commentis. Venice: Lazzaro Soardi, 1508 (USTC 858671)
Terence. Comoedias. Translated by Desiderius Erasmus. Basel: Nikolaus Episcopius and Hieronymus Froben, 1532 (USTC 661434)
Terence. Terence in English. Translated by Richard Bernard. London: John Leggat, 1614 (STC 23892)
Virgil. L'opere di Vergilio. Venice: Paolo Ugolino, 1593 (USTC 862895)
Alexander, William. The Monarchic Tragedies, in Recreations with the Muses. London: Thomas Harper, 1637 (STC 347)
Banks, John and John Dryden. The Unhappy Favorite or The Earl of Essex A Tragedy. London: Richard Bentley and Mary Magnes, 1685 (Wing B664)
Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher. Cupid’s Revenge. London: Augustine Matthews, 1635 (STC 1669)
Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher. A King and No King. London: Augustine Matthews for Richard Hawkins, 1631 (STC 1672)
Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher. A King and No King. London: Edward Griffin for William Leake, 1639 (STC 1673)
Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher. The Knight of the Burning Pestle. London: Nicholas Okes for John Spencer, 1635 [or 1661] (STC 1675a)
Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher. Comedies and Tragedies. The First Folio. London: Printed by Susan Islip, Ruth Raworth, et al., for Humphrey Mosley, 1647 (Wing B1581) [2 copies]
Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher. The Maid’s Tragedy. London: William Leake, 1650 (Wing B1595)
Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher. The Scornful Lady. London: Humphrey Mosley, 1651 (Wing B1609)
Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher. Fifty Comedies and Tragedies. London: John Matock for John Martyn, Henry Herringman, Richard Marriot, 1679 (Wing B1582)
Brome, Richard. The Damoiselle. London: Thomas Roycroft for Humphrey Mosley, 1653 (Wing B4868)
Brome, Richard. The Queen’s Exchange. London: Henry Brome, 1657 (Wing B4882)
Chapman, George. The Tragedy of Charles, Duke of Byron. London: Nicholas Okes for Thomas Thorp, 1625 (STC 4969)
Chapman, George, Ben Jonson, and John Marston. Eastward Ho. London: William Aspley, 1605 (STC 4973)
Congreve, William. The Way of the World. London: Jacob Tonson, 1700 (Wing C5878)
Dekker, Thomas. The Second Part of the Honest Whore. London: Elizabeth Allde for Nathaniel Butter, 1630 (STC 6506)
Davenant, William. Works. London: Thomas Newcomb for Henry Herringman, 1673 (Wing D320)
Dryden, John. Troilus and Cressida. London: Abel Sawll and Jacob Tonson, 1679 (Wing D2389)
Dryden, John. The Spanish Friar. London: Richard and Jacob Tonson, 1686 (Wing D2369)
Fletcher, John. The Tragedy of Rollo, Duke of Normandy. Oxford: Leonard Lichfield, 1640 (STC 11065)
Fletcher, John. Rule a Wife and Have a Wife. Oxford: Leonard Lichfield, 1640 (STC 11073)
Holyday, Barten. Technogamia or The Marriages of the Arts. London: John Haviland for Richard Meighen, 1630 (STC 13618)
Jonson, Ben. Works. London: William Stansby, 1616 (STC 14751)
Jonson, Ben. Works. London: Richard Bishop for Andrew Cooke, 1640 (STC 14753)
Jonson, Ben. Works. London: Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet, 1641 (STC 14753.5)
Jonson, Ben. Works. London: John Beale for Robert Allot, 1631 [1640] (STC 14754)
Jonson, Ben. Royal and Magnificent Entertainment. London: Valentine Simms and George Eld for Edward Blount, 1604 (STC 14756)
Jonson, Ben. Catiline His Conspiracy. London: Nicholas Okes for John Spencer, 1635 (STC 14760)
Jonson, Ben. The Works of Ben Jonson. London: Thomas Hodgkin for Henry Herringman, et al, 1692 (Wing J1006) [3 copies]
Killigrew, Thomas. Comedies and Tragedies. London: John Macock for Henry Herringman, 1664 (Wing K450)
Massinger, Philip. The Bond-Man. London: John Raworth for Edward Blackmore, 1638 (STC 17633a)
Marlowe, Christopher. Lust’s Dominion. London: Jane Bell for Francis Kirkman and Robert Pollard, 1657 (Wing L3540A)
Marston, John. The Insatiate Countess. London: John Norton for Hugh Perrie, 1631 (STC 17478)
Massinger, Philip. The Bond-Man. London: John Raworth for Edward Blackmore, 1638 (STC 17633a)
Massinger, Philip. The Guardian. London: Thomas Newcombe for Humphrey Moseley, 1655 (Wing M1050)
Shadwell, Thomas. Bury-Fair. London: James Knapton, 1689 (Wing S2836)
Shadwell, Thomas. The History of Timon of Athens, The Man-Hater. London: John Macock for Henry Herringman, 1678 (Wing S2846)
Shadwell, Thomas. The Royal Shepherdess. London for Henry Herringman, 1669 (Wing S2868)
Shakespeare, William. Comedies, Histories, Tragedies. The Second Folio. London: Thomas Cotes for John Smethwick, William Aspley, Richard Hawkins, Richard Meighen, and Robert Allot, 1632 (STC 22274C)
Shirley, James. The Maid’s Revenge. London: William Cooke, 1639 (STC 22450A)
Shirley, James. The Coronation. A Comedy. London: Thomas Cotes for Andrew Cooke and William Cooke, 1640 (STC 22440)
Shirley, James. The Traitor. A Tragedy. London: John Norton for William Cooke, 1635 (STC 22458)
Shirley, James. The Doubtful Heir. London: Humphrey Robinson and Humphrey Moseley, 1652 (Wing S3466)
Suckling, John. Fragmenta Aurea. London: Thomas Newcombe for Humphrey Moseley, 1658 (Wing S6128)
The Taming of the Shrew (fragment of the First Folio). London: William & Isaac Jaggard, 1623
Comedies, Histories, And Tragedies. The Second Folio. London: Thomas and Richard Cotes, 1632
The Taming of the Shrew (fragment of the Second Folio, 1632)
Poems. London: John Benson, 1640
Hamlet (fragment, 1685 Fourth Folio)
King Lear (fragment, 1685 Fourth Folio)
The Taming of the Shrew (fragment of the Fourth Folio, 1685)
Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece in Poems on Affairs of State. 4 vols. London, 1707
The Works of Shakespeare, edited by Alexander Pope. 8 vols. London, 1728
The Works of Mr. William Shakespeare, edited by Thomas Hanmer. 6 vols. Oxford, 1745
The Works of Shakespeare, edited by William Warburton. 8 vols. London, 1747
The Works of William Shakespeare, edited by Lewis Theobald. 8 vols. London, 1762
The Plays of William Shakespeare, edited by Samuel Johnson. 8 vols. London, 1765
Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, edited by Edward Capell. 10 vols. London, 1768
The Works of Shakespeare, edited by Thomas Hanmer. 6 vols. Oxford, 1770
The Plays, edited by Samuel Johnson & George Steevens. 10 vols. London, 1773
Shakespeare, translated from the English, dedicated to the King. 20 vols. Paris, 1776 [First French Edition]
The Plays, edited by Samuel Johnson & George Steevens. 10 vols. London, 1778
Shakespears Schauspiele, 20 vols. Strasburg, 1778 [First German Edition]
The Dramatic Writings of William Shakespeare. 20 vols. London: John Bell, 1786
Plays and Poems, edited by Edmund Malone. 10 vols. London, 1790
The Plays of William Shakespeare, edited by George Steevens and Isaac Reed. 15 vols. London, 1793 [Two sets]
The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. 9 vols. London: Boydell, 1802
The Plays of William Shakespeare, edited by Isaac Reed. 21 vols. London, 1803 [Two sets]
The Works of William Shakespeare. Serialized in 18 issues. Boston, 1810-12
The Plays of William Shakespeare, edited by Isaac Reed. 21 vols. London, 1813
The Family Shakespeare, edited by Thomas Bowdler. 10 vols. London, 1820
The Plays of William Shakespeare, edited by Alexander Chalmers. 8 vols. London, 1823
The Plays and Poems of Shakespeare. 15 vols. London, 1833
A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare, edited by Horace Howard Furness. 10 vols. Philadelphia, 1873
The Works of Shakespeare, The Imperial Edition. Serialized. London, 1875
Ariosto, Ludovico. Orlando Furioso. Translated by John Harrington. London: George Miller for John Parker, 1634 (STC 748)
Bandello, Mateo. Histoires Tragiques. Translated by François De Belleforest. Paris: Jacques Macé, 1568 (USTC 38646)
Blenerhasset, Thomas. The Second Part of the Mirror for Magistrates. London: Thomas Dawson for Richard Webster, 1578 (STC 3131)
Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Workes. London: Nicholas Hill for Robert Toye, 1550 (STC 5074)
Cicero. De Oratore. Venice: Andreas Torresanus and Bartholomaeus de Blavis, 5 March 1485 (ISTC ic00662000)
Cotgrave, Randall. Dictionary of the French and English Tongues, Adam Islip, 1611 (STC 5830)
Elyot, Thomas. The Book Named the Governor. London: Thomas Marsh, 1557 (STC 7640)
Fabyan, Robert. Chronicle. London: John Kingston, 1559 (STC 10663)
Florio, John. Queen Anna’s New World of Words. London: Edward Blount and William Barret, 1611 (STC11099)
Froissart, Jean. Chronicle. London: Thomas Marsh, 1563 (STC 11397a)
Gesta Romanorum. Strasbourg: Johann Grüninger, 15 January 1488 (ISTC ig00291000)
Goulart, Simon. Thresor d’Histoires Admirables et Memorables. 4 volumes. Geneva, 1620-28 (USTC 6701903)
Halle, Edward. The Troublous Season of King Henry the Sixth. London Richard Grafton, 1550 (STC 12723)
Holinshed, Raphael. Chronicles. London: Henry Bynneman for John Harrison, 1577 (STC 13568)
Holinshed, Raphael. Chronicles. London: Henry Denham, 1587 (STC 13569)
Homer. The Iliad. Translated by George Chapman. London: Richard Field for Nathaniel Butter, 1611 (STC 13634)
Homer The Odyssey. Translated by George Chapman. London: Richard Field and William Jaggard for Nathaniel Butter, 1615 (STC 13637)
Knolles, Richard. General History of the Turks. London: Adam Islip, 1611 (STC15052)
Livy, Titus. The Roman History. Translated by Philemon Holland. London: Adam Islip, 1600 (STC 16613)
Montaigne, Michael de. Essays. Translated by John Florio. London: Michael Flesher for Richard Roydon, 1632 (STC 18043)
Montemayor, Jorge de. Diana … Pyramo y Tysbe. Grenada: Rene Rebut, 1564 (USTC 346385)
More, Thomas. The History of Richard III, Latin Opera. Louvain: Petrus Zangrius, 1565 (USTC 405293)
Paris, Matthew. Monachi albanensis, angli, historia maior, à Guilielmo conquaestore, ad ultimum annum Henrici tertii. Zürich: Froschoviana, 1589 (USTC 675343)
Plautus. Comoediae. Parma: Francesco Ugoleto and Ottaviano Saladi, 1510 (USTC 849856)
Plutarch. Les vivies des hommes illustres grecs et romains. Translated by Jacques Amyot. Lyon: Etienne Michel, 1578 (USTC 65703)
Plutarch. Lives of Noble Grecians and Romans. Translated by Thomas North. London: Richard Field for Thomas Wight, 1603 (STC 20068)
Primaudaye, Pierre de la. Troisiesme tome de l'academie Françoise. Geneva: Jacques Chouet, 1594 (USTC 65873)
Saxo Grammaticus. Den Danske Krønicke. First Danish edition. Copenhagen: Hans Stockelmann, 1575 (USTC 302390)
Seneca. Seneca, His Ten Tragedies. Translated by Thomas Newton, et al. London: Thomas Marsh, 1581 (STC 2221)
Spenser, Edmund. The Faerie Queene. London: Humphrey Lownes for Mathew Lownes, 1609 (STC 23083)
Stow, John. Annales. London: Eliot’s Court Press and F. Kingston for Ralph Newberry, 1600 (STC 23335)
Stow, John and Edmond Howes, The Annales or General Chronicle of England. London: Thomas Dawson, 1615 (STC 23338)
Terence. Terentius cum quinque commentis. Venice: Lazzaro Soardi, 1508 (USTC 858671)
Terence. Comoedias. Translated by Desiderius Erasmus. Basel: Nikolaus Episcopius and Hieronymus Froben, 1532 (USTC 661434)
Terence. Terence in English. Translated by Richard Bernard. London; John Leggat, 1614 (STC 23892)
Robert Allot
Jonson, Ben. Works. London: John Beale for Robert Allot, 1631 [1640] (STC 14754)
Overbury, Thomas. Overbury His Wife. London: Richard Badger for Robert Allot, 1632 (STC 18918)
Shakespeare, William. Comedies, Histories, Tragedies. The Second Folio. London: Thomas Cotes for John Smethwick, William Aspley, Richard Hawkins, Richard Meighen, and Robert Allot, 1632 (STC 22274C)
William Aspley
Boys, John. An Exposition of the Dominical Epistles and Gospels. London: William Aspley for Edward Griffin, 1615 (STC 3459.7)
Chapman, George, Ben Jonson, and John Marston. Eastward Ho. London: William Aspley, 1605 (STC 4973)
Persius. Auli Persii Flacci Satyra. London: William Aspley and Nathaniel Butter, 1614 (STC 19777)
Shakespeare, William. Comedies, Histories, Tragedies. The Second Folio. London: Thomas Cotes for John Smethwick, William Aspley, Richard Hawkins, Richard Meighen, and Robert Allot, 1632 (STC 22274C)
John Benson
Shakespeare, William. Poems Written by Wil. Shakespeare. Gent. London: Thomas Cotes for John Benson, 1640 (STC 22344)
Richard Bentley
Banks, John and John Dryden. The Unhappy Favorite or The Earl of Essex A Tragedy. London: Richard Bentley and Mary Magnes, 1685 (Wing B664)
Edward Blount
Florio, John. Queen Anna’s New World of Words. London: Edward Blount and William Barret, 1611 (STC11099)
Jonson, Ben. Royal and Magnificent Entertainment. London: Valentine Simms and George Eld for Edward Blount, 1604 (STC 14756)
Nathaniel Butter
Dekker, Thomas. The Second Part of the Honest Whore. London: Elizabeth Allde for Nathaniel Butter, 1630 (STC 6506)
Homer. The Iliad. Translated by George Chapman. London: Richard Field for Nathaniel Butter, 1611 (STC 13634)
Homer The Odyssey. Translated by George Chapman. London: Richard Field and William Jaggard for Nathaniel Butter, 1615 (STC 13637)
Persius. Auli Persii Flacci Satyra. London: William Aspley and Nathaniel Butter, 1614 (STC 19777)
Philip Chetwind
Heylyn, Peter. Cosmography. London: Anne Seile and Philip Chetwind, 1674 (Wing H1694)
Thomas Cotes
Raleigh, Walter. The Prerogative of Parliaments in England. London: Thomas Cotes, 1628 (STC 20649.3)
Shakespeare, William. Comedies, Histories, Tragedies. The Second Folio. London: Thomas Cotes for John Smethwick, William Aspley, Richard Hawkins, Richard Meighen, and Robert Allot, 1632 (STC 22274C)
Shakespeare, William. Poems Written by Wil. Shakespeare. Gent. London: Thomas Cotes for John Benson, 1640 (STC 22344)
George Eld
Jonson, Ben. Royal and Magnificent Entertainment. London: Valentine Simms and George Eld for Edward Blount, 1604 (STC 14756)
Richard Field
Guicciardini, Francesco. The History of Guicciardin. Translated by Geoffrey Fenton. London: Richard Field, 1599 (STC 12459)
Homer. The Iliad. Translated by George Chapman. London: Richard Field for Nathaniel Butter, 1611 (STC 13634)
Homer The Odyssey. Translated by George Chapman. London: Richard Field and William Jaggard for Nathaniel Butter, 1615 (STC 13637)
Juvenal and Persius. Junii Juvenalis et Auli Persii Flacci Satyrae. London: Richard Field, 1615 (STC 14890)
Plutarch. Lives of Noble Grecians and Romans. Translated by Thomas North. London: Richard Field for Thomas Wight, 1603 (STC 20068)
John Harrison
Holinshed, Raphael. Chronicles. London: Henry Bynneman for John Harrison, 1577 (STC 13568)
Markham, Gervase. Inrichment of the Weald of Kent. London: Nicholas Okes for John Harrison, 1631 (STC 17364)
Richard Hawkins
Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher. A King and No King. London: Augustine Matthews for Richard Hawkins, 1631 (STC 1672)
Shakespeare, William. Comedies, Histories, Tragedies. The Second Folio. London: Thomas Cotes for John Smethwick, William Aspley, Richard Hawkins, Richard Meighen, and Robert Allot, 1632 (STC 22274C)
Henry Herringman
Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher. Fifty Comedies and Tragedies. London: John Matock for John Martyn, Henry Herringman, Richard Marriot, 1679 (Wing B1582)
Cowley, Abraham. The Works of Mr. Abraham Crowley. London: John Macock and Mary Clark for Henry Herringman, 1684 (Wing C6657 & C6664A)
Cowley, Abraham. The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley. London: Henry Herringman for Jacob Tonson, 1700 (Wing C6660)
Davenant, William. Works. London: Thomas Newcomb for Henry Herringman, 1673 (Wing D320)
Jonson, Ben. The Works of Ben Jonson. London: Thomas Hodgkin for Henry Herringman, et al, 1692 (Wing J1006) [3 copies]
Killigrew, Thomas. Comedies and Tragedies. London: John Macock for Henry Herringman, 1664 (Wing K450)
Shadwell, Thomas. Bury-Fair. London: James Knapton, 1689 (Wing S2836)
Shadwell, Thomas. The History of Timon of Athens, The Man-Hater. London: John Macock for Henry Herringman, 1678 (Wing S2846)
Shadwell, Thomas. The Royal Shepherdess. London for Henry Herringman, 1669 (Wing S2868)
William Jaggard
Brooke, Ralph. A Catalogue and Succession of the Kings. London: William Jaggard, 1619 (STC 3832)
Glover, Robert. Nobilitas politica vel civilis. London: William Jaggard, 1608 (STC 11922)
Homer The Odyssey. Translated by George Chapman. London: Richard Field and William Jaggard for Nathaniel Butter, 1615 (STC 13637)
Augustine Matthews
Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher. Cupid’s Revenge. London: Augustine Matthews, 1635 (STC 1669)
Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher. A King and No King. London: Augustine Matthews for Richard Hawkins, 1631 (STC 1672)
Humphrey Mosley
Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher. Comedies and Tragedies. The First Folio. London: Printed by Susan Islip, Ruth Raworth, et al., for Humphrey Mosley, 1647 (Wing B1581)
Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher. The Scornful Lady. London: Humphrey Mosley, 1651 (Wing B1609)
Brome, Richard. The Damoiselle. London: Thomas Roycroft for Humphrey Mosley, 1653 (Wing B4868)
Massinger, Philip. The Guardian. London: Thomas Newcombe for Humphrey Moseley, 1655 (Wing M1050)
Shirley, James. The Doubtful Heir. London: Humphrey Robinson and Humphrey Moseley, 1652 (Wing S3466)
Suckling, John. Fragmenta Aurea. London: Thomas Newcombe for Humphrey Moseley, 1658 (Wing S6128)
Nicholas Okes
Bacon, Francis. Two Books. London: Nicholas Okes for William Washington, 1629 (STC 1165)
Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher. The Knight of the Burning Pestle. London: Nicholas Okes for John Spencer, 1635 [or 1661] (STC 1675a)
Camden, William. Remaines. London: Nicholas Okes, 1623 (STC 4523)
Chapman, George. The Tragedy of Charles, Duke of Byron. London: Nicholas Okes for Thomas Thorp, 1625 (STC 4969)
Jonson, Ben. Catiline His Conspiracy. London: Nicholas Okes for John Spencer, 1635 (STC 14760)
Markham, Gervase. Inrichment of the Weald of Kent. London: Nicholas Okes for John Harrison, 1631 (STC 17364)
James Roberts
Torquemada, Antonio de. The Spanish Mandevile of Miracles, of The Garden of Curious Flowers. London: James Roberts for Edmund Matts, 1600 (STC 24135)
Valentine Simms
Jonson, Ben. Royal and Magnificent Entertainment. London: Valentine Simms and George Eld for Edward Blount, 1604 (STC 14756)
John Smethwick
Shakespeare, William. Comedies, Histories, Tragedies. The Second Folio. London: Thomas Cotes for John Smethwick, William Aspley, Richard Hawkins, Richard Meighen, and Robert Allot, 1632 (STC 22274C)
William Stansby
Bacon, Francis. History of the Reign of Henry VII. London: William Stansby for George Latham, 1637 (STC 1161.5)
Jonson, Ben. Works. London: William Stansby, 1616 (STC 14751)
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Works of Seneca. Translated by Thomas Lodge. London: William Stansby, 1620 (STC 22214)
Jacob and Richard Tonson
Dryden, John. Troilus and Cressida. London: Abel Sawll and Jacob Tonson, 1679 (Wing D2389)
Congreve, William. The Way of the World. London: Jacob Tonson, 1700 (Wing C5878)
Cowley, Abraham. The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley. London: Henry Herringman for Jacob Tonson, 1700 (Wing C6660)
Dryden, John. The Spanish Friar. London: Richard and Jacob Tonson, 1686 (Wing D2369)
Rymer, Thomas. Tragedies of the Last Age. London: Richard Tonson, 1678 (Wing R2430)
The Caesar Borgia Family’s copy of Seneca’s Tragoediae. Florence, Giunta, 1513 (USTC 855884)
Queen Elizabeth I’s copy of The History of Guicciardin. Translated by Geoffrey Fenton. London: Richard Field, 1599 (STC 12459)
King Louis XIII’s copy of Seneca’s Opera quæ exstant omnia. Antwerp: Balthasar Moretus, 1632 (USTC 1003315)
Christopher Wren’s copy of Hobbes’s Leviathan. London: John Redmayne and Christoffel Cundradus for Andrew Cooke, 1651 [1678?] (Wing H2247)
King George III’s copy of Holinshed’s Chronicles. London: Henry Bynneman for John Harrison, 1577 (STC 13568)
Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s copy of Gesta Romanorum. Strasbourg: Johann Grüninger, 15 January 1488 (ISTC ig00291000)
The Duke and Duchess of Windsor’s copy of Ionesco’s manuscript of L’Impromtu pour la Duchesse de Windsor (1957)
Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s copy of Fielding’s The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. 4 vols. London, 1750 (ESTC N508488)
Algernon Charles Swinburne’s copy of Edward Capell’s Prolusions, or Select Pieces of Ancient Poetry. London, 1760
David Garrick’s copies of Virgil’s L'opere di Vergilio. Venice: Paolo Ugolino, 1593 (USTC 862895); and Buxtorf’s Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum. London: Jacob Junii and Moses Bell for Richard Whitaker and Samuel Cartwright, 1646 (Wing B6348)
John Philip-Kemble’s copy of Massinger’s The Guardian. London: Thomas Newcombe for Humphrey Moseley, 1655 (Wing M1050)
The Charles Dickens Family’s copy of Jonson’s Works. London, 1692.
Eugene Field’s copy [author of “Wynkyn, Blynken, and Nod”]: of Davenant’s Works. London: Thomas Newcomb for Henry Herringman, 1673 (Wing D320)
Anthony Powell’s copy of Joyce’s Ulysses. Paris: Shakespeare & Co, 1927.