Explore the Collection

Curated by Dr. Molly G. Yarn

  • The Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s copy of the Gesta Romanorum (1488)

  • Tellers’ Bills from the Receipt of the Exchequer, London (1568-1634)

  • George Sand's manuscript of her translation into French of Shakespeare's As You Like It (1856)

  • 16th-century manuscript of Sir Thomas More's Dialogue Concerning Heresies

  • Eugene Ionesco's manuscript of a play performed for the Duke and Duchess of Windsor in May 1957

  • Seneca’s Tragoediae (Florence, 1513)

  • The Shakespeare Second Folio (London, 1632)

  • Edward Langley, The Duke of York manuscript indenture signed 1398

  • Thomas Dekker, The Second Part of the Honest Whore (London, 1630)

  • Queen Elizabeth’s Privy Counsel, document signed 25 January 1598

  • Manuscript payment for a royal sitting with King James, 24 July 1618

  • Chapman, Jonson, and Marston's Eastward Ho! (London, 1605)

  • The Beaumont and Fletcher First Folio (London, 1647)

  • Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (1651) with manuscripts signed by Christopher Wren

  • Portrait of a Gentleman said to be William Shakespeare, circa 1610

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